Video 94
90. Shanti Gita - Class 90 - Review - Swami Sarvadevananda
intellect understanding is intellect and in real the senses I see something to the eyes and things but that so how which is it which is the essence of this behind the mind the intellect and ego and everything behind how I with the mind can understand that or my intelligence how can I experience that so please tell me that truth started responding to that question second verse point is that the ratma the yatman is finer than the finest settler than the subtlest [Music] Ara buddhi intellect mind and other things they cannot grasp it true but how can it be achieveda right by determining on the words of The Vedas Mi the mahabhakras Great dictums day and night thinking I am not devotee I am the asthma and Archer John grahano spiritual knowledge can only be attained by the grace of Guru our church means the sadhguru who has the clear understanding about the spiritual truth and serving that Guru or learning from him directly only the knowledge can be attained so it is though fine it is finer than the finest it is subtler than the subtlest your question is correct it cannot be achieved through the senses to the Mind through the intellect but that is the Brahma what is called the mahabhakas Great dictums by that we can attain that even two things Guru by acharge by the grace of Guru and serving the Veda the Margaret dictum day and night according to them again third verse continues the same way bhagwan says if one starts repeating their great dictum the four dictums are there what is that one is called brahmasmi I am that another is called thou art that Brahma and another is I am this Atman is that Brahman so these are the four dictums different person can take any one of them and of course that is determined by the tradition for a monastic tradition is for the Puri that means in which because it came from totapuri and other that tradition coming from Sankara down so which are you know by the analysis of mahabhaka by deliberating on the great dictums and next is Guru buddhistamargata but Guru instructs one should follow that instruction perfectly and Guru buddhistamargo the Margo the path following the path has directed by the or given by the spiritual teacher following that the pure minded disciple by practicing that mind will be pure pre-promata has been free from abortion so this that by that way that they become love their mind will be purified or purified minded disciple endowed with the noble qualities then they will sue attain that Brahman or that so the path is one important thing this is three words me simple so small and what to do you say and literally you realize God no you have to analyze what does it mean what is means one is Brahma means what is OC means and how you can remove all the me misconception about why I um about Brahman about this connection so this is the fundamental thing is a part of analysis and not only that everyone should be very serious to practice the discipline the teaching which Guru has given uh practice and they and not in your own way but as directed by the guru most of us do mistake we forget what Guru has said we do our own way uh 90 people do that they don't they either they forget or they do their own way they make a sense oh this is this and this and that and they say oh nothing happening I am trying for doing prayer meditation nothing happening because we don't follow the instruction here is a guru up what have been stated by Guru and the path he has seen the analytical path whatever Guru has told without editing that's why I say it should not be edited and sister should be pure hearted unless the mind is clean from attachment aversion and all these not negative things this we cannot achieve the truth fourth verse [Music] there are four great victims in The Vedas as I have just mentioned they indicate the same meaning the four dictum each great dictum what is called great dictum all words are tiny words small words but I am that that is the greatest of the that we do want but it indicates to the highest experience so that's why they are extraordinary they are extra special that says Maha Maham is great vast that bakko is not a sentence but it's a great message there and the one can feel that I am that so all the great dictums are meaning only one meaning and that has been mentioned in the four Vedas in The Vedas IR Guru Guru who now when Guru says now or that Guru when Guru speaks this that listen indicating the same meaning having listened to the dictum from the mouth of the guru one will attain perfection that's even the highest category of student can get it like Rama Krishna got it from totapuri once he said and within his Prince split moment as it were he got it so if the student is perfectly pure and Guru is perfectly ready then that an Awakening of the knowledge happens instantly so just so the student will attend to that siddhi the success of understanding real but how will you get it it has its own spiritual sadhana Guru Sevan prakurbano Guru you know his emphasizing too much on gurus because in those days if there is no Google Google Indian can search you everything you don't need any other Guru no you don't go to good library or anything just you have any question Google search and Google will be but in those days gurus at the Google all knowledge belong to them they have experienced and they are the holder of the treasure and they know that this treasure even in the good food should not be given to everyone if you cannot Digest so Guru decides who is the proper student and student of that's why the the students capability was very much considered there whether you are competent you want to get admitted into the Masters say you will be specializing in physics anyone cannot go okay I'll be a student of physics see you are a predict which is your certificate show me the certificate how much you got in the other examination etc etc so spiritual life also needs some such capabilities but how it will come by Guru Shiva by serving Guru Guru bhakti parayana with the Devotion to Guru undoubtedly by his own faith and devotion saddha the students should be seeking for Atman only only Bashan only desire I will know who am I but I will realize who am I only that is the predominant desire and for that he's questioning again and again and again and his sudama also his heart is pure that means not tainted by the world and worldliness that person's mind should be so pure that it is only leaning towards the Atman the pure self and all the visayas the same subjects which distracts the mind he is not interested in it things will be there but his interest not interested and giving up that type of attachment to the sense objects African by his own devotion and faith in Atman and his self he can attain to his own knowledge and so ultimately this will happen when the mind is pure but how the mind will be pure it is they will have to do pure selfless Karma by that gradually gradually the impurities of the mind will go away your mind will be pure as the mind will be pure and understanding will be clear Buddhism and reduce how it will happen is cause should be Ragu means detachment renunciation renunciation is a fundamental thing in spiritual life it is a subject we I discuss again and again to understand it that you know renunciation is a must in spiritual life see you are renouncing your other fun and joy sitting over here at that time it is a renunciation you could have so many other duties other the friendship you can enjoy your so many video CDs with these that all your friends are talking to your friend but you have renounced all this this is an enunciation similarly whatever we do for God that takes us away from the world and that is not forceful renunciation but natural enunciation and we should have natural renunciation Minds should be that's why sadhana is also very important that whenever I do anything I do fit for God if you think that way then you are not attached to the world your worldly work you are doing but you are not doing the work like ignorant person so that purifies the heart so love for God is a fundamental thing it's a cause of purity of the heart and that comes because of the bhairav will come by pure selfless work and selfless work by that selfless work mind becomes pure and as the Mind becomes pure your understanding becomes clear and then for very natural there so let me see it says that renunciation is the primary cause of the knowledge of brahmana total renunciation then total knowledge comes when ramakrishna was intoxicated in God Consciousness forgetful of everything that is the point he has totally marched in samadhi no in samadhivari's world where is mind where is body so total renunciation has happened that's why renunciation is the primary cause for the knowledge of Brahman this renunciation how it will come to mass happens and the intellect becomes pure how the intellectual review purification of the Mind will create the intellect to be clear so purification happens by how the mind will be pure to selfless work and listen to the details that will be described now how it will bring that end result so what we have to do it is not giving a a big philosophy Ali which will run over the head rather he is giving some suggestion here where we are he says the sovereign we are born with certain Tendencies and characteristics yeah a person born with the talent of a skill of some activity through that activity thinking that it is doing for God mind will be pure so so born of harmino by performing the actions according to one's own social Duty that is called the Borno and asthma whose stage of life is Student Life married life retired life or renunciate life life of some Indian Society was divided into four stages of Life 100 years of life has been segmented 25 Student Life don't do anything only focus on your study and Brahma silhouette we remains Elevate up to 25 years have only study and knowing the vedal knowing the wisdom or not then you enjoy your life 25 to 50. and then still you stay with your husband wife like brother sister and then developed and gradually packed ultimately in one life the society was divided that way so one should follow in which plane so I am a monk I should have some way of practicing spirituality living a life you know so those who are involved into real responsibilities of Life they will have to live in it differently so this according to their ashrama and Borno social duties socialism Society was divided into four Brahman Brahmin people their work is study of the scriptures chanting of the mantras performing Puja for themselves or for that devotees or other other people as we do the Brahmin priests brahmanas warrior class military military people doing their performing their duties properly for the sake of protecting the innocent and protecting the country good business people are necessary for the growth of a society by doing good business honest business one can attain God realization and then the black people those who have to earn hard work day-to-day activities they can make hard work and build up the society's development will happen at the same time they need not have to do so much study of The Vedas and things they will simply perform their duties properly and offer it to at the end of the day they will sell you that is enough so the society is divided into four types of Duty oriented Division and also their age wise or there is life stages stages of life so according to that one should perform all these responsibilities and so by performing actions according to one's own social Duty and the stage of Life acting according to the directions mentioned in The Vedas he will not be moving in his own winds it should be following so it will be the karma you do what The Vedas have dictated there is a dictation of the rishis the sages what should be the duty and through the selfless work and a person of noble conduct then he will he should please God so don't go to the need wishes so fast but take the saguna and God the Love full of love full of compassion selfless work surrendering to him offering or do they do your duties see how spirituality should grow a person should not investment that does not work unless this background is there so background is very strong background selfless work following the dictate of the teacher what instruction he has given practicing all the activities according to my stage of life my exposition of where which which Duty I am ordained to do you are a professor professor has a duty he is an engineer engineer is a duty doctor doctor as a duty so if you anyone does properly fully to that service itself anything I am offering my skill back to God so your mind will be purified so this is to build a strong Society of a very strong character and the society will run perfectly the Warriors will do their military force or the police force will do the just Duty for their Duty what is to be Duty for the protection of the weak people or they support the protect their interest of those who are helpless money to build their financial situation of the country military force money if supposes to society what a wonderful Society will be dictated by the Brahmin that means pure Souls who only think impasse impersonally to run the whole show let's say in India there was in early days in each King used to have a court and the court Brahmin as the top in that they will guide and the Kings will ask for suggestion what to do in this context because they are dispassionate people they will guide their society not like Politics as it is going on only for political reason anything and in everything can go on so Society should be like so that type of thing if one does that means a good person dedicated person for the good of the society doing selfless work following guru's instruction having faith in oneself and in God and following the dictate of the scriptures they will attain to that realization ninth verse giving up renouncing or detaching from the lust and desires and for the pleasure of pleasing the Lord is performing the duties according to your state of social position and your duties a person who has faith and trust and devotion Al who is observing Karma Guru has told us to meditate every day perform these duties to follow what he has been said in in exactly like that you have to meditate every day you have to get up in the early morning do certain things charity do something so these are Nitro karma karma Specialties fasting special Puja day coming shivaratri coming or any in every religion there's some days of austerity and doing Karma all Karma suffering to God foreign will grow by gradual so what many how many duties have been given is called competency we must be competent to have it so competence is how many square quality first of all You observe your duties according to your station of life [Music] what you call the retired person from job or are you a totally detached person no according to sundasi if some duty if you are a retired person your lifestyle should be how such through scriptures follow that you know one point to give up as much as you can give our cravings for world and worldliness as much as you can whatever you are doing thinking that I am it is for my pleasure is my pleasure to do for the Lord I am doing by observing your own social stage of Duty with love and devotion you have to do regularly meditation practice and special time people do puraskara there's thousands and thousands of java totally engaged in Japan we do that one day busy 24 hours no so if someone can do 24 hours I will do today 24 hours I will be repeating repeating repeating that is the meaning fasting people fast only and think of food day and night but this should be means coming up is close close to God your mind should be so close to God when you're thinking God you don't have the time to eat or don't feel like eating anyhow so brahmani karma we are doing a whole morning till night we are doing all times some Karma or other Karma even breathing is a Karma eating is a Karma feeding is a Karma giving a glass of water is a Karma mopping the floor is a Karma so that Karma brahmani or I am offering it to Brahman or God you you go to the pilgrimage for holy places because Holiness the idea of Holiness will be awakened we are seeing one Swami now he's in narmada he is in the bank when they say immediately our mind goes oh my God it's a holy Place holy place no we think that that Holy place that Holiness touches our heart as you do a little bit so you go to holy places like that and serve the masadus and the temple priests there in this chrome if you follow Buddhism the worldly minded buddhi will be shuddha will be purified our intellect has become diluted or you can become clouded or it is it has become foggy how molo Dosa because of the some negativity has entered into it worldliness has entered into it that's why it is full of those stars but when it will be purified by Karma you have to purify by Karma so the importance of karma as bhagavad-gita says this santikita also emphasizing because and also so practical even in this Century how many people will meditate you can go to bipasha my meditation and think that I are a great meditator you have done 10 days and your thought about sitting straight but what is that for your whole life you have to do every day they say these are every days issue all the Karma whatever you're doing you can purify it by offering it to God that idea what this ramakrishna Mission sriram Krishna came and we emphasize that karma karma it is service to God jivo Shiva Shiva Shiva it is Shiva you are doing by serving animal so it is that attitude when it is done when with the intention to please God one point renouncing desires and resolutions too performing ones on duty in accordance coordination with the devotion and faithful carrying out regular and periodic duties five offering all actions to Brahman six the Supreme self the visiting the temples and places of pilgrimage and serving in those places purification of the heart will happen the mind has become impure by evil Deeds evil thoughts evil actions when cleans doing meritorious Deeds the same mind becomes pure by giving up the defects and impurities the same mind which has become cluttered by egotistic thinking doing bad or creating suffering for others counteracting the karma doing good to others serving God in others mind will be purified [Music] when the Mind becomes near mall Nirmal means stainless pure opportunity mind is purified then what will happen then automatically that mind will be discernful they will understand what is permanent what is impermanent why I am running for this what is the benefit of it what will be the end result that thought will be dominant in his heart that the discernment that viveka will be born in him then King sattam Kim beti what is essential what is permanent what is important what is we want Kim and what is not real what is unreal this you can understand the mind will recognize that that of the discernment the discernment will come spontaneously so you see you can take the habit of discernment analysis this is the unreal that is real everything is changing that's one way at the same time you cannot do 24 hours so whatever work you are doing if you do selflessly dedicating to God without attachment then that will create this spontaneous feeling of this discernment that mind will automatically Bend towards that those who are doing selfless work foreign total Brahma satyam jagan mitta vivekata is truth and other is all wrong distinction he'll be established formed in that and from that a tremendous sense of renunciation will come and that renunciation will push you out of all the Mitha temporary apparently visible realities in which we are involved so that will be the result of work this is very practical here what is talking is very practical for us to follow not only we talk always of the theory to Big Theory but this is the Practical side of it unless this practical side is perform the net result will never come because it is no Foundation the structure cannot be built up Brahman if the mind is purified The Faculty of discernment Vivica is is born and then one becomes engaged in deliberation about what is real and what is unreal the Mind seat will be like that ramakrishna could not tolerate talking of any worldly things a mind is such someone is asking to give money to ramakrishna 10 000 rupees those days and he is feeling such renunciation such disgust for that he cried out hurry someone gives ten thousand dollar to me how happy I shall be now see he is crying and he is feeling pain so he said bibeko has gone to that part there is the example so that is the process so Brahman alone is real from such discernment comes a firm conviction and from the discernment arises dispassion and and then comes tremendous power to renounce sin subjects which are totally false you need not have to make any effort ramakrishna any sensory thing which is so peaceful his hand will shrink you give some money he said brain brains he cannot touch it you put it under the dead and he unconsciously comes and sits and he jumps out killing forcing you get out that becomes the ultimate because ramakrishna's life is a demonstration we don't understand how it will happen and what will be the intensity of that renunciation detachment is not knowing anything practice such intense love for God or Detachment and that is he cannot hold the touch of it someone even when is somebody someone is holding him and he feels bad as as if his his mood is going down who who it happened with Mom the king Pratap rudra the king of Bengal Bihar and orisha and he was his disciple so once he was in extending mood and he touched him and he said who who who has touched me because the people of not of that level of purity they cannot take it there is a they they feel the things of suffering so their lives are the example this it happens it is possible so we if we practice little bit he will not ramakrina said I have done 16 anas means the 100 cent you do at this one cent effort for us it is enough if we can do one cent now next verse 14 . [Music] [Music] [Music] it's giving extreme example of renunciation what happens by practicing this trans principle what he has just suggested selfless Karma to this this and Analysis of this heart will accept the truth it will run away from sin subjects here worldly talk now could not sit on that place where there is a newspaper in those days news we were more honest could not see she would take out and then sprinkle ganga water there to purify the place so such things can come as an example here says it what will happen then when this passion arises in someone what will happen the objects and acts of enjoyment will appear like poison huh objects of enjoyment will you go for fun we go for seeing this thing that enjoying this dinner for him it will be like a poison means what if someone gives you a poison why would I release reject his mind will be such any fun joy of the world you think he will not realize if he goes there he will feel a foreign there and how to run away from that place so the object and acts of enjoyment will appear like poison the most beloved spouse will appear to be the giver of pain or that type of person because their mind is so concentrated in God or the self anything comes in between it will be intolerable pain it happens no when human love what happens in romantic love starts what happens if someone comes in between the friends it's taking away my time maybe one minute somebody that time is intolerable it's a human experience that happens for spiritual life also it is to be understood as it happens here how much intense will be that when mind will be pure and it is running to God and someone comes in between to disturb that it will be appearing like a poison it will appearing as the pain wealth wealth is so joyful wealth seems to be the Tormentor of the heart it will start tormenting the heart ramakrishna wealth was tormenting him as soon as the marwari the rich person came and offered that it will be not for you you people will come you will can utilize for them yeah your room you can keep it clean many people come bed City stored and no one to take care someone will take care and that created a tormenting his mind money appears to be a killer so that will be the condition the sons and daughters seem to be enemies but it is an extreme position don't don't don't don't try to match in our context here it is talking about the highest person of renunciation what is the end result friends seem to be friends seem to be cautious like the sun you go out in a hot summer and scorching Sun how you feel those who are friends we think oh he is my friend I am a good friend good friend is he who reminds you of God but when friendship so-called friendship in the world as we know for other other areas we find Delight in seeing some friend after a long time but he will feel as if he's scorching because that will distract his mind into again old thoughts old ideas old actions the home full of friends and relatives will appear like a desolate Forest infested with deep dark well infested with tiger woods and other ferocious animals and it is giving it extreme example of what renunciation can create in a mind ramakrishna's position where to read ramakrishna's life to understand little bit of this foreign where is friend where is family where is nobody in the world he's like a mad guy day and night crying weeping and ma mama people from distances to come and see ramakrishna crying and rubbing his face on the Sandy bed he's just thinking oh my God why this my she was not a very old person that a young man they say oh why is crying so much probably he's away from his parents mom and that's why he's crying but he's not crying for the mother of the universe that that intensity is so deep the whole body of well wishers will appear like a deep dark well it is passionate person having renounced all these things will adhere to engaging himself in his own welfare and attaining the Eternal Bliss no so what will you do this type of mentality will grow and that person will be isolating himself that's why people used to go to the Himalayas sitting in a cave even not with the with other friends similar minded people they also they avoid I have seen some sadhus like that so he's in a Congregation of monks in the congregation of monks see some spiritual issues but he is so in drawn and so much pushed inside he for his meditation and prayer mind has become so pure at that time if they see those friends as chit-chatting and he is to pass to them and goes to his isolated Cottage no so that is the point he you need not have to make an effort the spontaneous behavior that will be the behavior of a person to inverse attest to worldly enjoyment deeply bewildered always running after wealth roaming around whimsically attached to the family friends and relatives mind anxiously engaged in the maintenance of his own family members they're depressed even restless and confounded thinking day and night where can I procure something even a little worth of as grass worldly people are confused turning away from the nectar of Happiness carry on a load of suffering and cry out ha ha ha ha those who are totally engaged in world and worldliness they attest themselves to the world worldly fun and enjoyment they don't find any time for God and on any if you ask them hey here is a spiritual discourse going on come come well I have no time I am busy that may be and they'll go they will make an excuse to go to the party there's nothing so that is the tendency of the mind it is one State of Mind goes this way and spiritual people will be transformed and God realization comes to those people who purify themselves and because whatever we get a test these are all momentary so they have understood this and fall in love with God so that God love pulled them close to the inside 16 verse from Brahma to a blade of glass all these objects are disgusting like dog excreta therefore are to be rejected along with the desire to enjoy them that is the only coming to your heart who is purified so purified everything stings insipate for them 17 verse desires for sense enjoyments do not arise when one feels they are in disgusting as eating defometent food thereafter by practice of the control of mine and senses endurance resisting from any worldly enjoyment and actions followed by Equanimity of Mind comes faith and trust that the words who do punish us and spiritual teacher are conformed truth so in this type of mindset a little bit of this mindset comes then we grow love and faith in the words of the scriptures in the word of the guru they are not cheat what they are saying therefore our spiritual welfare the desire to be liberated by breaking the knots of worldly bondage that is called the desire for liberation the Seeker endowed it all these spiritual practices should take refuge then in a spiritual teacher Guru is The Giver of wisdom and the direct savior from the ocean of worldliness through the grace of the Holy Guru the disciples will be able to cross the ocean of worldliness without a spiritual teacher there is neither knowledge nor Liberation not even any chance of reaching a blessed State therefore a wise person should please the guru with diligent effort and through service when perfectly pleased by the service then we'll awaken the disciple by teaching you are not the body neither the sense organs nor the vital energy not even the mind and intellect you are the witness and the Observer of this the body mind senses and the embodiment of existence Consciousness and Bliss absolute one relating knowledge immediately as soon as one a competing student devoid of all obstacles listen to the teachings of the guru so then later party is very easy but first part is the difficulty and we don't do the first part we always want that story a student went to a teacher and asked sir what is the duty of a teacher and what is the duty of a student the teacher said student will have to do so many things collecting developed to make the dough make the breakfast make the lunch make this and all this then take care of his Guru and study the scriptures and get her and do this reading the scripture meditation prayer etcetera what Guru have to do Guru will sit and give you advice then do please please kindly do one thing make me the guru first so that is the point it is spirituality is so profound that it goes on only on practice no you have to understand this advice is not given to a monk this advice is given to Arjuna this extreme renunciation what he talked about to whom he is a king he is a warrior he's in a field of War and then he's giving the total picture of it it is a as if you are giving a diagram of the whole plan of life and then how much you can do take that much what otherwise but the next category of student knowledge comes forth of its own when obstacles are destroyed by combined practice and reflection and com contemplation again and again as one feels happy when one finds his neck also a gold that was forgotten in the same manner the person which accomplished his goal attains Supreme Bliss and total Liberation at that very moment as it is called not to get something new it is there the Atman is here now now at this point of ignorance it is there but by this process of purification he feels oh it is here I am here that knowledge will come it is called practice but you have attained you get it again that's it well you forgot you have a gold chain and now you see oh it is here by Good by faith in Guru somebody says hey it is here look at that in ignorance you will not listen to that he will look the other side but when the mind will be purified guruwako will be Guru says this and attention will go there and purified mind will be self-respect carry cell respect respect for God respectful Guru the individual soul is always the doer and the enjoy well as the Brahma the Supreme his actionless given the incompatibility opposite nature how is the knowledge of Oneness between them is possible it is another question but we have no time today that we have rate up to 27 verses now and Arjuna says oh oh Krishna this is my doubt there is no other than you who can destroy this doubt for me I have taken refuge in you please remove this doubt totally from me now you will say this question will be solved next day he says say individuals so like you and me we think that I am the doer I do I am the angel I suffering not pain unpleasure both I experience where Brahman is always actionless here it is action I am involved in action Brahman is actionless how those two can competitively become one you say great dictum I am that how that can merge together that is my question and then please tell me so then he will be talking about the purification purification means I am not the body mind intellectivo purification of the eye and thou God is sitting in the heaven with a rod in hand get out of that quality of rod in hand get out of the quality of control get out of the quality of creation sustenance it is the sachidananda here is Ananda there is Ananda you are tuned in one level that's called this is one of the greatest thing to learn in vedanta that we'll be reading next time from verse number 28. thank you um now we have as usual some questions Maybe we are part of that that Capital then why did avidhar ignorance set in foreign not only part but we are that but really why it is why then with the ignorance setting it is not there vedanta say it has not happened you are you are mistaken you are in a dream here feeling that you are mound but you are not bound sorry we can understand lift go thy whole hold sannas in bold say um let go thy hold your thinking you are ignorant you are thinking you are limited get out give up then you are here now so really that is aviddha has ignorance cannot come but it has come ignorance has no reason why it comes no why you see in darkness a snake where there is the Rope why do you see that in your moving in a very dark area or alone in a frightful area if a storm of wood and thinking that the ghost is standing there no explanation why do you dream violent dreams while you are sitting in your lying in your beds comfortably no one knows so that is the as as in the dream we see good or bad dreams being comfortably well protected in my bed so similar I am in my bed Eternal place of solitude Purity and strength that is sachidananda and I am dreaming all this dream so why it has happened dream when the dream will break then answer will come in the dream you cannot understand this you are in the middle of the dream and you see in the dream there is a tiger chasing you and then you say why the tiger came no tiger is real tiger will catch you but you wake up and see there is neither tiger neither you no one is running no one is chasing you are perfectly okay so this is the dream play of dream that one answer is given by our sages that this world is not real you are thinking it is real you yourself ignored this world you come from you it vanishes in your deep sleep how much is of this sensitivity of this world it does not stay even in your sleep state we are reading about that or get so there is nothing no one is there there is no father there is no mother there is no nothing but in the in the dream you are creating all this thing is there is there anything in the dream you see when you see the dream where does it go if in a dream world I can push my hand around that is the point so you cannot talk about that but when the dream breaks then you know it was a dream so whatever is this scripture suggests us will not understand when the will we wake up from our Dream the long dream of ignorance then we'll be able to tell not now if we try to meditate using guided meditation audio since we are attentive towards listening does that hinders us from getting our mind waves to substitute subside and going deeper into ourselves if we try to meditate using guided meditation audio yes you can yes people can do that anything anything guided meditation you can create your guided meditation you read the gospel of ramakrishna in one chapter one description and see there ramakrishna is in the balram buses house in the second floor in his room he's coming down and then Sami Vivekananda Narayan is there balram is there all in Imagine aim is there they are coming down the steps and his ramakrishna got intoxicated all this description is written just think you can dictate your mind you need not have to listen to some audio but audio also someone can read very well then you can keep your time that is called the one type of meditation that helps meditation on the Divine sport did ramakrishna avoid money because they only use the money is to facilitate interacting with the world money would be a very big distraction yeah for a person you look at that money creates so much trouble no all brothers and sisters together grown played together when Mom Dad dies or dad dies brother go into lawsuit and kill each other for the money and property no so this is the problem my money for minimum living we need money but money has no other greater interest it can be used for good cause for serving others but money and God if two are compared together so money's value will be less you look at that when the sadhus are in the Himalayas for the money and God what is preferable they are living on God Only You Know they are not looking after what money can give Comfort physical Comfort but we should not identify ourselves with them I will just read ashram Dharma in what stage of life you are and what skill you have adopted you would con best be best in that level and do your duties that will purify the heart why did SRI ramakrishna decided to be deborned even though holy mother protest protest it to the very idea that you can ask ramakrishna but my thought is that and ramakrishna will have to come means you see the condition of the world God comes down when the situation becomes very bad the powerful King comes with its Force down to the to solve the into straighten the evils so God comes again and again to purify the society to help the society so probably you know decided to be reborn for that reason but when they will come how they will come only God can say that but we should have to focus on our spiritual practice as we read today very practical these ideas should be into put into our practice and then end result will happen our attention should be we always look at the end result end result of Liberation I am the Atman I will be established in absolute Joy this is only word but you have to start Where We Are how we'll be in the world at the same time we will be mentally detached and absorbed in our divine self so this should be the practice and Karma is so much emphasis of karma has been given selfless work and dedication to God foreign [Music] gospel class I am going to give the gospel class tomorrow also at 7 30. thank you all for joining online and in person I do not know how many joints we see that three person three person one is here foreign